Saturday, November 14, 2015

Illustrators Australia 9x5 Exhibition - "Playtime"

This is my gouache painting called Playtime 1984 - Skeletor a Portrait. It is part of the Illustrators Australia 9x5 Exhibition that is on in St Heliers St Gallery, Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne. This years theme was "Playtime" so I decided to paint my favourite toy circa 1984, the evil lord of destruction, Skeletor.

The 9x5 exhibition is run by Illustrators Australia and is inspired by the Heidelberg School of artists in the late 1800s, in which cigar boxes measuring roughly 9 x 5 inches were used as the substrate in an exhibition of the same name. It has been a mainstay of Illustrators Australia’s exhibition activities since 1995. You can view the other pieces in the exhibition here. A big thank you the Illustrators Australia for hosting the event and also for the photos from the exhibition above.

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